Report Editor

Window for creating or changing the settings of a report template in Moneylender.

You can get to this window by clicking Reports > Customize to open the Report Manager, and either creating a new report or editing an existing report.

Report Title – This will appear on the Reports menu in the main window, and can be displayed on a report header template.

Description – Tool-tip text when you hover over this item on the report menu. Can also be embedded in report header templates.

Report Type – Moneylender has several “report engines”. Each engine will load a specific set of records in specific ways. The report type chose determines which record values will be available for setting up column values, whether a report will run for a single loan or for multiple loans, and what kind of information is going to be displayed on each row of the report.

Tip: the report type can only be changed when there are no columns on a report.

Font – this lists the available fonts on your computer, and you can choose which font you want the report to use.

Font Size – Sets the size of the text when creating the report table. If you are printing the report, smaller fonts can allow space for more information.

Account – this option is only available when the Ledger Report type is selected. This will be the default account that is displayed when the report is run. The account can be changed from the Report Viewer, so it is not necessary to create copies of a ledger report specific to a single account.

Date Range – if anything but Custom is selected, the specified date range is pre-filled into the start and end date on the Report Viewer and the report is run automatically. If Custom is chosen, the report will not be run until the Refresh button is clicked. The dates can be modified in the Report Viewer and reports can be re-run as required, so you can run the same report a few times to review the numbers for different slices of time without having to change the report template itself.

Loan Status – Determines which loans will be included on the report. For reports that run for multiple loans, the loans will be checked to see if they meet the criteria of the loan status before their row(s) are added to the report. The Loan Status can be changed in the Report Viewer as desired to run the report on different subsets of loans without the need to create a separate report template.

Printing – determines the default paper size and orientation that Moneylender will pass to the printer settings window when printing a report.

Header – the header template to include at the top of the report. Header templates come in two varieties, single-loan report headers and multi-loan report headers. The list of available templates will include the type of template that corresponds with the selected Report Type. There is also a “-generic header-” option that displays basic information such as report title and date range. You can modify, copy and create your own report headers from Moneylender’s Template Manager and the Template Designer by choosing one of the "Report Header" options for "Purpose" when creating or editing the report.


This list shows the columns that will be included with the report. Use the buttons to the right to manage the report’s columns.

New – add a new column to the report. This will open the Column Editor window.

Edit – change the currently selected column. This will open the Column Editor window.

Delete – remove the currently selected column from the report.

Primary – marks the column to use for sorting the rows in the report. The primary column will appear in bold.

Up – move this column to the top of the list (to the left on the rendered report).

Down – move the selected column down in the list (to the right on the rendered report).


You can add filters to a report to exclude any rows that don’t meet specific criteria. When the report is rendered, the list of rows will be compiled according to the columns defined. Then the filters will be checked against each row. Any row that doesn’t match all filters on a report are removed from the report. Filters can eliminate information that should not be shown, such as filtering NSF payments from the Payment Distribution Report. You may wish to add a filter to a report temporarily, and then remove the filter once you have identified the information you needed.

New – create a new filter for the report. This will open the Filter Editor window.

Edit – change the selected filter. This will open the Filter Editor window.

Delete – remove the selected filter.

See also:
Report Editor
Report Columns
Report Filters
Record Values Available for Report Columns