Account Number, Borrower, Lender

Screenshot of the form to set the account number, borrower, and lender on the loan.

Account Number

You can set the account number to anything you like in Moneylender 3. Most lenders prefer to have a sequence or pattern to their account numbers. You can configure Moneylender 3 to follow this pattern automatically, assigning new account numbers automatically. The settings to control the automatic account numbering can be found from the main menu: Portfolio > Portfolio Settings on the Numbers tab.

Click Auto to fill in the account number using the portfolio settings, otherwise type in the account number you want to use.


Click the Create New button to create a new borrower for this loan. If the borrower has already been entered into the system, commonly because of previous loans or importing borrowers from Excel beforehand, click Select to choose the borrower.


Some users will have a large number of lenders and will be creating new lenders frequently, but for most customers the lender only needs to be entered once, and can then be selected for all subsequent loans.

Click the Create New button to create a new lender record. If the lender is already in the portfolio, click Select to choose it instead.