Lender Company Info

This is the first page of the Lender Wizard. You can get here in a variety of ways when creating or editing a lender, for example: creating a lender when entering a loan, clicking Other Records > New Lender from the main menu, editing a lender from the Manage Lenders window, clicking the Edit (pencil) button when editing a lender association from the bottom of the Settings tab of the Loan Details panel.
To be able to click
, you must have non-blank values in the Payable To and Company boxes. All other information is optional.Payable To – the name that borrowers should write on their checks or payments when sending you money.
Company – the official name that Borrowers will recognize as the lender on their loan. Often this is the same as Payable To.
Service Phone – a phone number for borrowers to call with questions about their loan.
Other Phone – an additional phone number to be used as you see fit on templates and reports in the system.
Fax – your fax number to be used as you see fit on statement templates.
Email Address – the email borrowers should use to contact you about their loan.
Tax ID – your federal Employer Identification Number or other identifying number
Notes – enter any miscellaneous information you like about this lender. (Up to 500 characters.)
to enter the lender’s address.