Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Handling payments and adjustments, running reports, doing your accounting with Moneylender.
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Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by mark415 »

Hi josh,

I'm running a "Payment Summary" report that I use for bank reconciliation. I run it for the previous calendar month and I have the "primary" field as my date column, which is defined as Payment creation date. But it is not sorting by that column.

Any advice? I just need something that shows payment amounts, dates, and payment descriptions. Maybe there is a better way to get this info?

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Re: Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by wtech_josh »

Hey Mark,

Indeed! There was no sorting mechanic in the Payment Summary report engine. I added it so it'll sort properly with the next update (it'll be version 3.0.229).

Also, Creation Date is a timestamp of when you first create the payment in Moneylender, not the date you set for the payment - that'd be Payment Date. Sorting by creation date would sort in the order the payments were entered into the system, just fyi.

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Re: Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by mark415 »

Thank you. I'll watch for it.
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Re: Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by wtech_josh »

I tagged this post on my to-do list, and I'll post a follow up comment when the update goes live. 8-) Probably a couple weeks since I just did two updates in the last week or two.
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Re: Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by wtech_josh »

Just a couple short weeks later and I finally released an update to Moneylender. Version 229 includes, among a few other things, the fix for sorting on Payment Summary reports.
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Re: Sorting a "Payment Summary" report by date

Post by mark415 »

Thank you!
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